97W-2Ni-1Fe Tungsten Alloy Plate

97W-2Ni-1Fe tungsten alloy plate has good mechanical strength, high electrical resistance, and good thermal conductivity, which is decorative, durable, and workable. It is widely used in the elector-vacuum, lighting, and electronics industries.

97W-2Ni-1Fe tungsten alloy plate pictureThe properties of 97W-2Ni-1Fe tungsten alloy plate are:
Alloy Type:W 97%、Ni 2%、Fe 1%
MIL-T-21014: Class 4
SAE-AMS-T-21014: Class 4
AMS 7725 C: NIL
ASTM B777-87: Class 4
Nominal Density: 18.25~18.85 g/cc
Nominal Density: 0.668 lbs/ in3
Hardness Rockwell: 30 C
Ultimate Tensile Strength Min: 100,000 psi
Yield Strength Min (0.2% offset): 75,000 psi
Magnetic Properties: Slightly Magnetic

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