Tungsten News

Tungsten News
[Know Tungsten] What is Ferro Tungsten? 571

Ferro tungsten is an iron alloy primarily composed of tungsten and iron, with a tungsten content generally ranging from 75% to 85%. Ferro tungsten has excellent properties such as high density, high strength, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance. It is a crucial material for refining high-speed tool steel, alloy structural steel, magnetic steel, heat-resistant steel, and is indispensable in the steel industry and mechanical casting industry.

Tungsten News
【Know Tungsten】Tungsten Bucking Bars – The Optimal Tool for Riveting! 36

Riveting requires the use of a rivet gun and a tungsten alloy bucking bar. Typically, the bucking bar is designed in various shapes and sizes depending on the rivet gun being used. In some cases, dedicated tungsten bucking bars may be designed for specific riveting tasks. The reason for using high-density tungsten alloy to make bucking bars is because tungsten has high density, strength, and good machinability. Compared to traditional materials, a tungsten bucking bar of the same weight is…

Tungsten News
【Know Tungsten】Tungsten Probes for LED Chip Probing 34

LED chip probing and LED mapping sorting are necessary and important processes in the production of LED products. Probes are applied in the LED chip probing process, typically conducting tests and sorting based on key parameters such as electrical values, brightness, wavelength, ESD, etc., before proceeding to the encapsulation stage. Tungsten probes are primarily used on point testing machines, where the probe tip contacts the LED pad to provide current flow, causing the LED to light up for electrical testing.

Tungsten News
【Know Tungsten】Tungsten Granules – Catalysts in Carbon-Sulfur Analyzers! 38

 Tungsten granules, also known as tungsten flux, are made by breaking forged tungsten parts. The standard specifications are typically 12-20 mesh, 20-40 mesh, and 40-60 mesh, with a sulfur content not exceeding 0.0005% and a carbon content not exceeding 0.0008%. Besides aiding in melting, they also serve purposes such as heating, stirring, catalyzing, stabilizing combustion, resisting interference, and regulating the acidity and alkalinity of the medium. Due to their low impurity content and high melting point, tungsten granules are…

Tungsten News
Understanding the Emission Mechanism of Barium Tungsten Cathodes 95

The emission mechanism of a barium tungsten cathode involves a process called thermionic emission. Here’s how it works: Barium Deposition: In a barium tungsten cathode, a thin layer of barium is deposited onto the surface of a tungsten substrate. This is typically achieved through a process called barium flashing, where the cathode is heated in a vacuum chamber containing a small amount of barium metal. The heat causes the barium to vaporize and deposit onto the tungsten surface. Activation: Once…

Tungsten News
Exploring the Applications of Barium Tungsten Cathodes in Electronic Devices 91

Barium tungsten cathodes play a pivotal role in a wide range of electronic devices and applications due to their exceptional electron emission properties. These cathodes, composed of a mixture of tungsten and barium compounds, are utilized in various fields where reliable and high-performance electron sources are required. Here are some primary applications of barium tungsten cathodes: X-ray Tubes: One of the most common uses of BaW cathodes is in X-ray tubes used for medical imaging, industrial inspection, and scientific research.…

Tungsten News
How Is Barium Tungsten Cathode Material Synthesized? 89

Barium tungsten cathodes are essential components in various electronic devices, including X-ray tubes and other vacuum electronics. These cathodes exhibit excellent electron emission properties, making them indispensable in applications requiring high-performance electron sources. However, the synthesis of barium tungsten cathode material is a crucial step in ensuring the ffality and efficiency of these devices. The synthesis typically involves several intricate processes aimed at achieving the desired composition and structure. One common method for synthesizing this material is the powder metallurgy…

Tungsten News
Exploring the Composition and Functionality of Barium Tungsten Cathodes 75

A barium tungsten cathode is a crucial component in various electronic devices, particularly in vacuum tubes and cathode ray tubes (CRTs). Its composition plays a significant role in determining its emission characteristics and overall performance. Typically, a barium tungsten cathode consists of a substrate material, often made of tungsten due to its high melting point and mechanical stability. The tungsten substrate provides structural support and serves as the emitter surface for electron emission. Embedded within onto the tungsten substrate is…

Tungsten News
【Know Molybdenum】What Is Riveted TZM Tube? 49

Riveted TZM tube is a type of pipe product made from an alloy of titanium, zirconium, and molybdenum. With a wall thickness of only 0.6 millimeters, it is challenging to produce as a single piece and is typically manufactured using riveting. This alloy boasts excellent high-temperature oxidation resistance and mechanical strength, making it widely utilized in high-temperature and high-pressure environments such as aerospace, aircraft engines, and the nuclear industry.

Tungsten News
【Know Molybdenum】What Is Molybdenum-Rhenium Block? 43

Molybdenum-rhenium alloy is a type of alloy formed by adding 14% to 47.5% rhenium to molybdenum, greatly improving the ductility, weldability, and formability of the alloy after adding rhenium. Even after high-temperature use, molybdenum-rhenium alloy can still maintain good ductility. Molybdenum-rhenium block contains 47.5% rhenium and has dimensions of 8x8x6 millimeters. Due to its excellent high-temperature performance and corrosion resistance, it is commonly used in aerospace, aviation engines, nuclear industry, and chemical industry. especially in applications under high-temperature, high-pressure, and…

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